Federal Budget – superannuation flexibility

The Budget has made changes that reflect that the current superannuation system is at a kilter with individuals current lifestyles, with the introduction of more flexibility to address this. Concessional contributionsIndividuals under the age of 75 will now be able to claim tax deductions for personal superannuation contributions. From 1 July 2017, individuals can make…

Federal Budget – Small Businesses

This year’s Federal Budget is based on a ten-year enterprise tax plan designed to stimulate more small business activity by boosting new investment, creating jobs and increasing real wages. One of the key features of this plan is that the small business entity annual turnover threshold will be increased from $2 million to $10 million…

Wage subsidies for employers

The Budget’s plan to enhance wage subsidies is set to benefit both job seekers and businesses in Australia. As part of Budget reforms, existing wage subsidies (including those for youth, parents, Indigenous, mature age, and the long-term unemployed) will be streamlined to make them more accessible for employers. Wage subsidy arrangements will be simplified to…

Federal Budget – superannuation

The Budget has introduced a series of changes to superannuation tax arrangements that are intended to align superannuation with the purpose of providing income in retirement. The key elements of the superannuation changes include: Introducing a transfer balance cap There will be a $1.6 million superannuation transfer balance cap on the total amount of super…

Federal Budget – individuals

The Government is now giving individuals a greater incentive to work without being taxed more by making a start to personal income tax relief. The changes will take place from 1 July 2016 and will prevent average full-time wage earners from moving into the second top tax bracket until 2019-2020, by increasing the 32.5 per…