Developing a code of conduct

A well-written code of conduct is essential for every business – it can provide guidance to staff as well as stating your business’ values and ethical principles. A code of conduct provides staff with clear guidelines for expected behaviour in a variety of situations, for example, attending work-related social events or taking business trips. A…

Succession planning for SMSFs

A mandatory component of managing a self-managed super fund (SMSF) is planning out what will happen to the fund if its trustee was to pass away. While succession planning may not be one of the first responsibilities that comes to mind when managing an SMSF, it is a necessity that can provide certainty and peace…

ATO crackdown on trusts

The ATO is currently targeting contrived trust arrangements that minimise tax by creating artificial differences between the taxable net income and distributable income of closely held trusts. Arrangements where trustees are engineering a reduction in trust income to improperly gain favourable tax breaks or pay no tax at all are being targeted by the Tax…