Creating an office of problem solvers

One major key to success is the ability to problem solve. Knowing how to respond to and resolve issues that arise creates stronger, more effective businesses. Whilst employees ought be highly skilled in their given fields, one trait that is truly invaluable is that of problem solving. As an employer, there are tips you can…

Who is a ‘related party’ in an SMSF?

Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) have a number of investment restrictions which apply to transactions conducted within the fund. One such restriction applies to transactions involving ‘related parties’ of the fund and ‘relatives of members.’ No one associated with the SMSF should obtain a present-day benefit from the fund’s investments. The fund needs to meet the…

ATO to report unpaid debts to credit agencies

The Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2016-17 (MYEFO) announced that from 1 July 2017, the ATO will disclose tax debt information of businesses who have not effectively engaged with the ATO to credit reporting bureaus. The new measure is aimed at enhancing the integrity of the tax system and ensuring businesses who are not compliant…