Turning negative customer feedback around

In a perfect world, every customer your business works with will be pleased with how the transaction went and will want to return to you for future business. In reality, this isn’t always the case. It is human nature that people make mistakes and there will always be circumstances outside of your control that can…

New measures to crack down on super non-compliance

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will receive additional funding for a Superannuation Guarantee Taskforce to crack down on non-compliance by employers. The Government has announced a package of reforms to close a legal loophole used by dishonest employers that short-change employees who make salary-sacrifice contributions to super. Funding for the Taskforce coincides with new data…

Sharing economy and tax

The ATO is reminding those who work in the sharing economy to be aware of their tax obligations. The sharing economy connects buyers (users) and sellers (providers) through a facilitator who usually operates an app or a website. Some popular examples include Airbnb, Stayz, Uber, Deliveroo, Airtasker and so on. Different rules apply, depending on…