Should you use a personal loan?

A personal loan can come in handy if you need some extra cash to fund a purchase, but it may not always be your best option. Before you sign away, you will need to understand how personal loans work and if they are appropriate for your circumstances. A personal loan is when a person borrows…

Succeed in sales

Closing a sale is the end goal for many business owners but often knowing how to close the deal is a challenge. Here are three ways to improve your sales approach: Remove your agenda A sales prospect can usually identify when a salesperson is running off an agenda. The salesperson comes across as pushy, they…

How to catch out an illegal super scheme

When a super scheme seems too good to be true, it often is. Many illegal super schemes are operating in Australia, so it is crucial to understand the characteristics of such schemes. A popular illegal scheme is one whereby an individual is enticed by being told they can access their super early to pay off…

Changes to GST payments at settlement

Buyers of new residential premises or subdivisions of potential residential land will need to pay the GST component of the purchase price to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) as of 1 July 2018. The amount of GST will not change. This change does not affect the sales of existing residential properties or the sales of…