Reducing your winter bills

When the winter season commences, you might notice a spike in your bills. Although, it is no surprise that additional heating and hot water adds up, you may be surprised at how you can reduce these costs with minimal effort. Consider the following tips to reduce your winter bills and lessen your environmental impact: Heating…

Why failing can be good for your career

Failure is often considered a sign of weakness or defeat. However, it is also known to be a natural stage in an entrepreneur’s career and a stepping-stone to success in the world of business. Embracing the failures that arise in your career will help you to pinpoint ideas, strategies, etc, that were not working and…

Changes to SMSF 2017-18 annual return

There is a number of changes to the 2017-18 Self-managed super fund annual return (SAR) thanks to the super changes which came into effect on 1 July 2017. Transition to retirement income stream (TRIS) accountThe ATO has included a new label for the number of TRIS accounts an SMSF member has in accumulation phase. A…

Importing goods worth $1,000 or less?

Overseas businesses that meet the GST registration threshold (A$75,000) will be required to charge GST on goods purchased from the 1 July 2018. Specifically, GST will be charged on goods that are: less than A$1,000 (low-value); not GST-free (i.e., alcohol or tobacco products); and imported into Australia. Individuals who purchase low-value goods (which they import)…