What to include in a business partnership agreement 

Entering into a business partnership can come with conflicts and misunderstandings between you and your new associate. This is why having a written agreement that clearly outlines your rights and responsibilities is important for maintaining a healthy business relationship between partners. Here are some key areas to include in your partnership agreement: Name of partnership:…

What you need to know about investment bonds

Investment bonds are a practical investment option for those who earn a high income and seek long term tax efficiencies. Investment bonds, also known as tax-paid, insurance or growth bonds, work similarly to a managed fund, except they are combined with an insurance policy. There is a ten year rule which allows tax free earnings…

Using technology to improve workplace safety

Ensuring the safety of employees in the workplace should be one of the top priorities for managers and business owners. This will not only improve your employees’ health and wellbeing but will help you avoid any arduous paperwork and legal obligations that can arise from even the smallest of injuries. Here are some technological tools…

CGT concessions for shares and trust interests

For taxpayers wishing to access the small business capital gains tax (CGT) concessions for shares in a company or interests in a trust, they must first meet the standard requirements as well as further conditions in place for such entities. A taxpayer can apply for small business CGT concessions to lower or dismiss their capital…

Super when you’re self-employed

If you are a sole trader, or in a partnership, then you are not obligated to make super guarantee (SG) payments for yourself. However, you should still consider making personal contributions to super to help you save for retirement. Your methods of contributing to super can depend on how you pay yourself. For example, if…

Introducing ASFP

Plans are underway to carry out a system change during the December closure of the ATO to introduce Activity statement financial processing (ASFP). This change will move the majority of taxpayer financial information into one accounting system that will have multiple accounts. ASFP will shift activity statement and franking deficit tax accounts from the current…

Strategies to increase profit

Whether you are struggling to keep up a steady income or wanting to grow your business, increasing sales revenue is often a central goal for businesses. Here are some strategies you can consider when looking to improve profit: Redesign operations for maximum efficiency:If you really look at the operation processes of your business, you’ll often…

How to avoid non-paying clients

Running a business is hard enough without having to chase up payments from your customers. Here are some measures you can take to prevent yourself from having to deal with the profitability imbalance, negative client relation, and legal ordeals that come with chasing up owed debt. Research the customer:Before you enter into an agreement with…

Proactive consolidation with ILBAs

Inactive low-balance accounts (ILBAs) are a new category account that needs to be reported and paid to the ATO. This was introduced in the Treasury Law Amendment (Protect Your Superannuation Package) Bill 2019 that came into effect on 1 July 2019 after first being announced in the 2018-19 Federal Budget. ILBAs are designed to protect…

Time limit on GST refunds

Small businesses entitled to refunds of GST may not be aware of the four-year time limit on claiming those refunds. Your entitlement to a GST credit ends four years from the due date of the earliest activity statement in which you could have claimed it. GST refunds are claimed under the indirect tax concession scheme…