What is Organisational Culture?

Understanding what organisational structure is can help with making decisions about your business in all areas. Organisational culture is multifaceted, it consists of the shared values, beliefs and norms in the workplace, and determines employee interactions as well as customer interactions.  There are four types of organisational cultures.  Clan Culture: Focussed on collaboration between teams…

Tips to upscale your business

Set realistic and actionable goals Businesses should set realistic and actionable small goals which they can work towards, rather broad goals which provide no direction. Setting broad and unrealistic goals is demotivating and makes any progress made seem insignificant. Every person in the business should be given a target to meet over a reasonable timeline…

Tips to retaining your customers

Acquiring new customers can often be simpler than retaining existing customers. However, loyal customers give your business a higher chance of succeeding.  Unhappy customers stop doing business with you, negatively affecting your business’ growth. The rate at which your business is losing customers is called churn rate.  It can be crucial to address this churn…