Managing flexible working arrangements

Small businesses operating in an ever-changing environment increasingly need to ensure they get flexible working schemes right. Finding the right balance can be mutually beneficial for both your business and employees. Business owners are responsible for effectively implementing and managing flexible working arrangements that ensure all employees are satisfied. Here are some things to consider…

Hiring younger workers

Businesses that choose only to hire experienced staff are missing out on the energy, drive and creativity of youth. Many employers are reluctant to hire young people because they doubt their readiness to work, abilities and skill level. However, business owners need to realise that younger people do have plenty to offer, and in the…

The five stages of small business growth

Categorising the problems and growth patterns of small businesses in a systematic way can increase owners’ understanding of the nature, characteristics and challenges of business. While small businesses vary widely in size and capacity for growth, they do experience common problems that arise at similar stages in their development. For owners and managers of small…

Digital marketing strategies for small businesses

Marketing online can be daunting for a small business. With the many social and digital platforms available (Facebook, Twitter, websites, Google+, emailing and blogs) quite a lot needs to be considered. To help out, here are five digital marketing tips that every business should know: Learn by example Digital marketing is all about how much…

Seven steps for business growth

Once your business is up and running, you need to identify and understand what works and what doesn’t. Owners need to take a step back and be strategic about how and when they should grow their business. Opportunities for business growth can be exciting, but turning an idea into a practical reality takes careful research,…

Managing flexible working arrangements

In a rapidly changing business environment, it is essential that owners of small businesses get flexible working schemes right. Today’s employees continue to look for more balance between their personal and work lives. While some employers may think this may have a negative effect on their business, flexible working arrangements have been shown to benefit…

Business challenges of 2016

No matter where your business is in its lifecycle, there is no shortage of challenges that will affect its ability to grow. But there are ways owners can overcome these hurdles if they simply invest enough time and effort into planning for the future. Here are three challenges 2016 so far that every business should…

Bottom line basics

Talking about money makes many of us uncomfortable. Sometimes we’re even conflicted about wanting to make money. Money, after all, is one of the few things left in modern life we don’t discuss openly with even our closest friends or family members. In a business context, this discomfort with money often extends to a reluctance…

Boss or leader?

Entrepreneurs like to be in charge. You start your business so you can call the shots – not someone else. But if you want to grow your business, you’re going to have to learn to give responsibility to others. The question is – how do you become a leader, not just a manager, of others?…